
Account Information

You will use this to log in.

Personal Information

This is who payments will be made to.

Payment Information

Your PayPal account email, so you can receive your affiliate commissions.

PlusThis Referral Partner Program

Do you work with users of marketing automation platforms? Earn easy commissions and turn them into better members of your network by referring them to PlusThis.

As a PlusThis referral partner, you can earn a 15% commission on PlusThis account monthly charges (for the life of the account).

Complete the form to become a PlusThis referral partner.


  • The affiliate program is not intended for those who wish to participate casually. You must maintain eligibility requirements to qualify for payouts. See the Affiliate Agreement for complete details.
  • We pay "first referring" affiliate with a three month expiration on cookies
  • Payments are made 30 days after the end of the current month
  • Clawbacks and returns will be applied
  • PlusThis reserves the right to modify commission percentages, pricing, offerings, and any term relevant to the referral partner program